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SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R > Class Template Reference

Custom Iterator. More...

#include <Histogram.h>

Public Types

typedef HistIterator self_type
 Type name of the iterator.
typedef int difference_type
 Difference type is an int.
typedef R value_type
 Either T or const T for iterator and const_iterator, respectively.
typedef R * pointer
 Either T* or T const* for iterator and const_iterator, respectively.
typedef R & reference
 Either T& or T const& for iterator and const_iterator, respectively.
 HistIterator is a bidirectional iterator.

Public Member Functions

 HistIterator ()=default
 Use default constructor.
 HistIterator (const std::vector< int > &indices, Histogram< T > *hist)
 Constructor. More...
 HistIterator (const HistIterator &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
reference operator* ()
 Dereference operator. More...
self_typeoperator++ ()
 Pre-increment operator. More...
self_type operator++ (int)
 Post-increment operator. More...
self_typeoperator+= (std::vector< int > shift)
 Addition assignment operator.
const self_type operator+ (std::vector< int > shift)
 Addition operator. More...
self_typeoperator-- ()
 Pre-decrement operator. More...
self_type operator-- (int)
 Post-decrement operator. More...
self_typeoperator-= (std::vector< int > shift)
 Subtraction assignment operator. More...
const self_type operator- (std::vector< int > shift)
 Subtraction iterator. More...
bool operator== (const self_type &rhs) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const self_type &rhs) const
 Non-equality operator. More...
std::vector< int > & indices ()
 Access indices. More...
int & index (size_t d)
 Access a specific index. More...
bool isUnderOverflowBin () const
 Check if current iterator position is under- or overflow bin. More...
std::vector< double > coordinates () const
 Access coordinates. More...
double coordinate (size_t d) const
 Access specific coordinate dimension. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< int > indices_
 Indices of current bin.
Histogram< T > * hist_
 Pointer to histogram to iterate over.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
template<typename R>
class SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >

Custom Iterator.

This iterator is designed of travesing through a histogram. The starting point is at grid index 0 (-1) for each periodic (non-periodic) dimension.

The iterator can be used as a standard iterator with operator* accessing the grid point at which the iterator currently is.

Additionally, the functions HistIterator::indices() and HistIterator::coordinates() are provided. These functions return the indices of the current bin and the bin center in real space, respectively.

The iterator can be moved to an arbitrary position. As indices() returns a reference (and not a const reference), it can be used to move the iterator. For example:

HistIterator it = hist->begin();
it.indices() = {1,1,1};

moves the iterator to the bin with indices [1, 1, 1].

The iterator can be traversed in a standard fashion with the increment and decrement operators operator++ and operator--. When the increment operator is invoked, the bin index for the lowest dimension is increased by 1. If it is beyond the histogram size in this dimension, the index is reset to its smallest value (0 for periodic, -1 for non-periodic dimensions) and the index of the next higher dimension is increased by 1. The decrement operator traveses the grid in the same fashion but opposite direction.

Additionaly, the iterator can be shifted by adding or subtracting a vector of ints. The vector needs to have the same dimension as the histogram.

Definition at line 256 of file Histogram.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::HistIterator ( const std::vector< int > &  indices,
Histogram< T > *  hist 


indicesBin indices specifying the current position of the iterator.
histPointer to the histogram to iterate over.

Definition at line 285 of file Histogram.h.

286  : indices_(indices), hist_(hist)
287  {
288  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::HistIterator ( const HistIterator< R > &  other)

Copy constructor.

otherHistIterator to be copied.

Definition at line 294 of file Histogram.h.

295  : indices_(other.indices_), hist_(other.hist_)
296  {
297  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
double SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::coordinate ( size_t  d) const

Access specific coordinate dimension.

dDimension of the coordinate.
Center point of the current bin in the specified dimension.

Definition at line 523 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::coordinates().

524  {
525  return coordinates()[d];
526  }
std::vector< double > coordinates() const
Access coordinates.
Definition: Histogram.h:513

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
std::vector<double> SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::coordinates ( ) const

Access coordinates.

Center point of the current bin.

Definition at line 513 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

Referenced by SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::coordinate().

514  {
515  return hist_->GetCoordinates(indices_);
516  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
int& SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::index ( size_t  d)

Access a specific index.

dDimension of the index.
Index of the current bin in the specified dimension.

Definition at line 490 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices().

491  {
492  return indices()[d];
493  }
std::vector< int > & indices()
Access indices.
Definition: Histogram.h:479

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
std::vector<int>& SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices ( )

Access indices.

Indices of current bin.
This function returns a reference and can be used to move the current bin.

Definition at line 479 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

Referenced by SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::index().

480  {
481  return indices_;
482  }
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
bool SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::isUnderOverflowBin ( ) const

Check if current iterator position is under- or overflow bin.

True if current bin is an underflow or an overflow bin.

Definition at line 499 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

500  {
501  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices_.size(); ++i) {
502  if ( == -1 || == hist_->GetNumPoints(i)) {
503  return true;
504  }
505  }
506  return false;
507  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
bool SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator!= ( const self_type rhs) const

Non-equality operator.

rhsIterator to which this iterator is compared.
False if both iterators access the same grid point on the same grid. Else return True.

Definition at line 467 of file Histogram.h.

468  {
469  return !( (*this) == rhs );
470  }
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
reference SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator* ( )

Dereference operator.

Reference to the value at the current grid position.

Definition at line 303 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

303 { return hist_->at(indices_); }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
const self_type SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator+ ( std::vector< int >  shift)

Addition operator.

shiftAmount of shift in each dimension.
Copy of iterator after shift.

Shift the iterator by a given vector.

Definition at line 382 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::HistIterator().

383  {
384  return HistIterator(*this) += shift;
385  }
Use default constructor.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
self_type& SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator++ ( )

Pre-increment operator.

Reference to iterator.

Increments the bin index of the lowest dimension. If an index moves beyond the maximum value (num_points-1 for periodic and num_points for non-periodic dimensions), it is reset to its smallest value (0 for periodic, -1 for non-periodic dimensions) and the index of the next higher dimension is increased by 1.

Definition at line 315 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

316  {
317 += 1;
318  for (size_t i = 0; i < hist_->GetDimension() - 1; ++i) {
319  if (hist_->GetPeriodic(i) &&
320 >= hist_->GetNumPoints(i)) {
322 = 0;
323 += 1;
324  } else if (!hist_->GetPeriodic(i) &&
325 > hist_->GetNumPoints(i)) {
327 = -1;
328 += 1;
329  }
330  }
332  return *this;
333  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
self_type SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator++ ( int  )

Post-increment operator.

Copy of iterator before incrementing.

Definition at line 339 of file Histogram.h.

340  {
341  HistIterator it(*this);
342  ++(*this);
343  return it;
344  }
Use default constructor.
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
const self_type SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator- ( std::vector< int >  shift)

Subtraction iterator.

shiftVector to be subtracted from the current grid indices.
Copy of iterator after shift.

Definition at line 445 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::HistIterator().

446  {
447  return HistIterator(*this) -= shift;
448  }
Use default constructor.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T>
template<typename R >
self_type& SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator-- ( )

Pre-decrement operator.

Reference to iterator after decrementing.

Traveses the histogram in the opposite direction to the increment operator.

Definition at line 394 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

395  {
396 -= 1;
397  for (size_t i = 0; i < hist_->GetDimension() - 1; ++i) {
398  if (hist_->GetPeriodic(i) && < 0) {
399 = hist_->GetNumPoints(i)-1;
400 -= 1;
401  } else if (!hist_->GetPeriodic(i) && < -1) {
402 = hist_->GetNumPoints(i);
403 -= 1;
404  }
405  }
407  return *this;
408  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
self_type SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator-- ( int  )

Post-decrement operator.

Copy of iterator before decrementing.

Definition at line 414 of file Histogram.h.

415  {
416  HistIterator it(*this);
417  --(*this);
418  return it;
419  }
Use default constructor.
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
self_type& SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator-= ( std::vector< int >  shift)

Subtraction assignment operator.

shiftVector to be subtracted from the current grid indices.
Reference to iterator.

Definition at line 426 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

427  {
428  if (shift.size() != hist_->GetDimension()) {
429  throw std::invalid_argument("Vector to shift iterator does not "
430  "match histogram dimension.");
431  }
433  for (size_t i = 0; i < hist_->GetDimension(); ++i) {
434 -=;
435  }
437  return *this;
438  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530
template<typename T>
template<typename R >
bool SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::operator== ( const self_type rhs) const

Equality operator.

rhsIterator to which this iterator is compared.
True if both iterators access the same grid point on the same grid. Else return False.

Definition at line 456 of file Histogram.h.

References SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::hist_, and SSAGES::Histogram< T >::HistIterator< R >::indices_.

457  {
458  return indices_ == rhs.indices_ && hist_ == rhs.hist_;
459  }
Histogram< T > * hist_
Pointer to histogram to iterate over.
Definition: Histogram.h:533
std::vector< int > indices_
Indices of current bin.
Definition: Histogram.h:530

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