20 #include "StringMethod.h"
100 const std::vector<double>& centers,
101 unsigned int maxiterations,
102 const std::vector<double> cvspring,
103 unsigned int frequency,
104 unsigned int InitialSteps,
105 unsigned int HarvestLength,
106 unsigned int NumberTrajectories,
107 unsigned int SwarmLength) :
108 StringMethod(world, comm, centers, maxiterations, cvspring, frequency),
Collective variable manager.
unsigned int initialize_steps_
Total number of MD steps for initialization for one iteration.
bool original_initialized
Flag for whether a system was initialized before it checked whether other systems were...
bool CVInitialized(const CVList &cvs)
Helper function check if CVs are initialized correctly.
std::vector< CollectiveVariable * > CVList
List of Collective Variables.
String base class for FTS, Swarm, and elastic band.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > prev_velocities_
Store velocities for starting trajectories.
int initialized
Flag for whether a system is initialized at a given iteration.
Class containing a snapshot of the current simulation in time.
std::vector< double > centers_
CV starting location values.
std::vector< double > cv_drift_
Drift of CVs for one iteration.
unsigned int swarm_length_
Length of unrestrained trajectories.
bool sampling_started
Flag for determing whether to perform initialization or not.
Swarm of Trajectories String Method.
void PostIntegration(Snapshot *snapshot, const class CVManager &cvmanager) override
Post-integration hook.
Swarm(const MPI_Comm &world, const MPI_Comm &comm, const std::vector< double > ¢ers, unsigned int maxiterations, const std::vector< double > cvspring, unsigned int frequency, unsigned int InitialSteps, unsigned int HarvestLength, unsigned int NumberTrajectories, unsigned int SwarmLength)
bool snapshot_stored
Flag for whether a snapshot was stored in the umbrella sampling.
std::vector< std::vector< int > > prev_IDs_
Store atom IDs for starting trajectories.
unsigned int number_trajectories_
Number of trajectories per swarm.
unsigned int harvest_length_
Length to run before harvesting a trajectory for unrestrained sampling.
unsigned int restrained_steps_
Total number of restrained MD steps for one iteration.
std::vector< Label > traj_atomids_
Store atom IDs for starting trajecotires.
unsigned int iterator_
The local method iterator.
unsigned int unrestrained_steps_
Total number of unrestrained MD steps for one iteration.
unsigned int index_
For indexing trajectory vectors.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > prev_positions_
Store positions for starting trajectories.
void StringUpdate()
Updates the positions of the string.