23 #include "Constraint.h"
26 #include <boost/mpi.hpp>
64 double xg0_[5] = {-0.9061798459386640,-0.5384693101056831,0.00000000000000000,0.5384693101056831,0.9061798459386640};
67 double wg0_[5] = {0.2369268850561891,0.4786286704993665,0.5688888888888889,0.4786286704993665,0.2369268850561891};
82 unsigned int frequency,
85 std::vector<double> atomTypeRadius):
void PostIntegration(Snapshot *snapshot, const CVList &) override
Post-integration hook.
double rij
Auxiliary variable r_ij.
int ion_type_start_
Where non polarizable particles start.
double Rykj
Auxiliary variable R_kj for image kernel functions (y component).
double wg0_[5]
Magic numbers for the weight.
double ukj
Auxiliary variable u_kj.
double eouter_
Dielectric constant of outside continuum.
std::vector< CollectiveVariable * > CVList
List of Collective Variables.
void PreSimulation(Snapshot *, const CVList &) override
Pre-simulation hook.
double xhi
Upper value for x.
double Rxij
Auxiliary variable R_ij (x component).
Class containing a snapshot of the current simulation in time.
double aux3Sqrt_delta
Auxiliary variable, square root of delta.
double auxv_x_integ
Auxiliary variable for integration (x component).
double wkj
Auxiliary variable w_kj.
double xlo
Lower value for x.
void force_pol(Snapshot *, size_t, size_t, size_t)
Image method kernel function, 1st order currently.
double aa
Auxiliary variable.
double vkj
Auxiliary variable v_kj.
double Rxkj
Auxiliary variable R_kj for image kernel functions (x component).
double e_
Gauss integration auxiliary parameter e.
double aux3_integ
Auxiliary variable for integration.
double xg0_[5]
Magic numbers for x.
double Rij2
Auxiliary variable R_ij squared.
double einner_
Dielectric constant of polarizable particles.
double auxv_y_delta
Auxiliary variable, delta (y component).
double rkj
Auxiliary variable r_kj.
double qqrd2e_
unit conversion constant.
double aux3_delta
Auxiliary variable, delta.
double aux1
Auxiliary variable.
double Rzij
Auxiliary variable R_ij (z component).
std::vector< double > atomTypeRadius_
List of radii for all atom types.
double Ryij
Auxiliary variable R_ij (y component).
double aux3Sqrt_integ
Auxiliary variable, square root of integration result.
void Serialize(Json::Value &) const override
Serialize the class.
double auxv_y_integ
Auxiliary variable for integration (y component).
int ngauss
Number of gaussian integrations.
Interface for Constraint implementations.
double auxv_z_delta
Auxiliary variable, delta (z component).
double Rzkj
Auxiliary variable R_kj for image kernel functions (z component).
double auxv_x_delta
Auxiliary variable, delta (x component).
void PostSimulation(Snapshot *, const CVList &) override
Post-simulation hook.
double auxv_z_integ
Auxiliary variable for integration (z component).
double ginv_
Gauss integration auxiliary parameter g inverse.
double Rkj2
Auxiliary variable R_kj squared.
COPSSImage(boost::mpi::communicator &comm, unsigned int frequency, double einner, int ion_type_start, std::vector< double > atomTypeRadius)
double aux2
Yet another auxiliary variable.