Getting StartingΒΆ

Here we give a simple DASH script to get things started.

This script simply creates two atoms which interact via a Lennard-Jones potential.

import sys.path

from DASH import *

#initialize simulation state
#Lennard-Jones units are the default
state = State()

#Now we create an atom type
state.atomParams(handle='spc1', mass=1)

#initialize system bounds
state.bounds = Bounds(state, lo=Vector(0, 0, 0), hi=Vector(100, 100, 100))

#set cutoff radius
state.rCut = 2.5
#set neighborlist padding
state.padding = 0.5

#add two atoms
state.addAtom(handle='spc1', pos=Vector(1, 1, 1))
state.addAtom(handle='spc1', pos=Vector(3, 1, 1))

#Their properties can be accessed from within the python script
print state.atoms[1].pos
#prints out (3, 1, 1)

#Set the velocity of an atom
state.atoms[0].vel = Vector(0.1, 0, 0)

#Initialize Lennard-Jones parameters
nonbond = FixLJCut(state, 'cut')
#set sigma and epsilon
nonbond.setParameter('sig', 'spc1', 'spc1', 1)
nonbond.setParameter('eps', 'spc1', 'spc1', 1)

#turn on fix

#create an integrator.
integrator = IntegratorVerlet(state)
#run the simulation

print state.atoms[0].pos, state.atoms[1].pos

We could bond the atoms together as well.

bondHarmonic = FixBondHarmonic(state, handle='bond')
bondHarmonic.createBond(state.atoms[0], state.atoms[1], k=1, r0=2)

These examples show the basics of how one can interact with DASH through Python. For more information on functionality and interface, see the remainder of the documentation.

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Compiling DASH

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Simulation State

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