DASH uses CMake to compile and requires a CUDA-capable GPU to run. Currently DASH is set up for for Linux systems.
DASH can be compiled with the following commands
#check out source code
git checkout http://github.com/MICCoM/DASH-public .
mkdir build
cd build
#Sets up Makefile. If CMake cannot find any of the required
#libraries, you may have to manually specifiy their paths.
#See CMake documentation for help.
cmake ..
#or for faster compiling, make -j 4 to compile with 4 processors
This produces two files that you need: libDASH.so and DASH.so . libDASH.so is the compiled simulation engine library. The path to libDASH.so must be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to run DASH. The second file, DASH.so, is the Python wrapper. The path to DASH.so must be in your Python sys.path variable. This is what lets Python find DASH when you write import DASH. Note that CMake will put DASH.so in different folders depending on your system configuration. Find it using find . -name "DASH.so.