

Bounds objects are used to define volumes in space. The state must have a bounds property specifying the simulation volume; smaller sections of this total volume can be used to perform various functions, such as populating certain regions in space with atoms.

Creating and Modifying Bounds

Class Bounds( state, lo, high )

state: The simulation state.

lo: A Vector object indicating the lower bounds in the x,y, and z directions.

high: A Vector object indicating the upper bounds in the x,y, and z directions.


The following attributes and methods of the Bounds object are available:

lo: A Vector object indicating the lower bounds in the x,y, and z directions (read/write).

high: A Vector object indicating the upper bounds in the x,y, and z directions (read/write).

volume: The volume of the space enclosed by the Bounds (read-only).



This method returns a copy of the Bounds object on which it is invoked.

bounds.vectorInBounds( Vector v )

This method returns True if the argument Vector object v describes a position within the bounds.

bounds.atomInBounds( Atom a )

This method returns True if the position of atom a is within the bounds.

bounds.minImage( Vector v )

This method returns a Vector containing the periodic image of the position described by the input Vector v.


The following example illustrates the syntax used to initiaize a simulation box.

#set the bounds for a 5x5x5 box
state.bounds = Bounds(state, lo=Vector(0, 0, 0), hi=Vector(5, 5, 5))

#get the volume of our box
volume = state.bounds.volume

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