Whether you are performing atomisitic or coarse-grained simulations, the Atom class represents the particles that are interacting with each other in the system. The state.atoms attribute is a list of Atom objects, which can be directly accessed. Each Atom stores the dynamic data for that particle - position, velocity, and force - which are updated over the course of the simulation. It also stores the static properties of the particle - mass, charge, atom type, and id - which do not change during the simulation.
Atoms can be introduced into the simulation by adding them directly to the state or by using the InitializeAtoms tools. The first method is described below and the second is discussed in the next section.
state.addAtom( handle, pos, q )
Adds an atom to the state. The atom is only added if a valid atom handle is supplied.
handle: The string representation of the corresponding atom type in the AtomParams object.
pos: A Vector specifying the position of the new atom.
q: The charge for this atom (optional).
id: The id of the newly added atom. Returns -1 if the atom could not be added (invalid atom type).
The following code demonstrates inserting three charged atoms into the simulation
#Suppose our AtomParams object has atom types 'spc1' and 'spc2'
#create new positions for the atoms
#add in the atoms
state.addAtom(handle='spc1', pos=Vector(0, 0, 0), q=-0.1)
state.addAtom(handle='spc2', pos=Vector(2, 0, 0), q= 0.2)
state.addAtom(handle='spc2', pos=Vector(2, 2, 0), q=-0.1)
Class Atom
The following atributes can be accessed for any given Atom object:
pos: Vector containing the particle’s position (read/write).
vel: Vector containing the particle’s veloctiy (read/write).
force: Vector containing the sum of all forces acting on the particle (read/write).
groupTag: A list of ids corresponding the atom groups this particle is associated with (read/write).
mass: The mass of the particle (read/write).
q: The charge of the atom (read/write).
type: The id of the corresponding atom type in the AtomParams object (read-only). This is set on atom initialization (discussed elsewhere).
kinetic: The kinetic energy of this particle, calculated accoridng to the classical formula K = (m*v^2)/2 (read-only).
isChanged: A boolean flag which is set to True when an integrator updates the position, velocity, or force on the particle (read/write).
The following example illustrates the syntax used to access and update atom data. In the course of initializing a simulation, it is common to programmatically assign starting positions, masses, and charges. For instance, to initialize a water molecule, one could write
#Suppose our state contains three atoms
#create new positions for the atoms
pos1 = Vector(1,1,1)
pos2 = Vector(1,3,5)
pos3 = Vector(5,7,9)
#update the atom positions
state.atoms[0].pos = pos1
state.atoms[1].pos = pos2
state.atoms[2].pos = pos3
#update the atom charges
state.atoms[0].q = -1
state.atoms[1].q = 0.5
state.atoms[2].q = 0.5
The AtomParams object contains a directory of the atom handles/types found in the simulation along with masses and atomic numbers; handles are text identifiers for atom types (see example below). In order to add an atom, an atom type is needed, which must also be specified in AromParams. Fixes to set interaction parameters between various atom types interface with AtomParams.
The following attributes and methods of the AtomParams object are available:
handles: A list of all the atom species handles (text names) in the simulation (read-only).
numTypes: The number of atom types in the simulation (read-only).
masses: A list of the atom species masses in the simulation (read/write).
atomParams.addSpecies( handle, mass, atomicNum )
handle: The handle for the new species.
mass: The mass for this species.
atomicNum: The atomic number for the species (optional).
id: The atom type id (integer) for the newly added species.
atomParams.typeFromHandle( handle )
handle: The handle (text) of a given species.
id: The atom type id (integer) corresponding to the handle.
atomParams.setValues( handle, mass, atomicNum )
Updates the mass and/or atomic number of a given species.
handle: The handle for the species to be updated.
mass: The new mass for the species (optional).
atomicNum: The new atomic number for the species (optional).
The following example illustrates the syntax used to set atom parameters and update them.
#Set up the parameters for a carbon atom
state.atomParams.addSpecies(handle='myC', mass=12)
#update the mass and atomic number
state.atomParams.setValues(handle='myC', mass=12.0107, atomicNum=6)
The InitializeAtoms class provides a number of tools for initializing atom positions and velocities.
InitializeAtoms.populateRand( state, bounds, handle, n, distMin )
Randomly adds n atoms to the simulation box within the given bounds, subject to a minimum allowable distance between atoms.
state: The state to add atoms to.
bounds: The bounds within which to add the atoms.
handle: The string representation of the atom type to be added.
n: The number of atoms to add.
distMin: The minimum allowable distance between atoms.
The following code demonstrates the addition of some Lennard-Jones particles using this method.
#Set up the parameters for a basic LJ particle
state.atomParams.addSpecies(handle='myLJ', mass=1)
ljcut = FixLJCut(state, handle='ljcut')
ljcut.setParameter(param='eps', handleA='myLJ', handleB='myLJ', val=1)
ljcut.setParameter(param='sig', handleA='myLJ', handleB='myLJ', val=1)
#set the bounds for a 5x5x5 box
state.bounds = Bounds(state, lo=Vector(0, 0, 0), hi=Vector(5, 5, 5))
#Randomly add a bunch of atoms, this gives a reduced density of about 0.5
InitializeAtoms.populateRand(state, bounds=state.bounds, handle='myLJ', n=64, distMin = 0.75)
InitializeAtoms.initTemp( state, handle, temp )
Initializes the atoms in a given group to the desired temperature with center-of-mass motion removed.
state: The simulation state.
bounds: The bounds of the volume in space to be populated.
handle: The group name to be set to the desired temperature.
temp: The desired temperature.
The following code demonstrates the i of some Lennard-Jones particles using this method.
#Set up the parameters for a basic LJ particle
state.atomParams.addSpecies(handle='myLJ', mass=1)
ljcut = FixLJCut(state, handle='ljcut')
ljcut.setParameter(param='eps', handleA='myLJ', handleB='myLJ', val=1)
ljcut.setParameter(param='sig', handleA='myLJ', handleB='myLJ', val=1)
#set the bounds for a 5x5x5 box
state.bounds = Bounds(state, lo=Vector(0, 0, 0), hi=Vector(5, 5, 5))
#Randomly add a bunch of atoms, this gives a reduced density of about 0.5
InitializeAtoms.populateRand(state, bounds=state.bounds, handle='myLJ', n=64, distMin = 0.75)
#Initialize the velocities to a reduced temperature of 0.5
InitializeAtoms.initTemp(state, 'all', 0.5)
DASH includes utilities for creating water molecules based on TIP3P, TIP4P, and TIP4P/2005 models as well as TIP3P and TIP4P for long range electrostatics solvers. These functions are included it water.py within the util_py folder. All methods return a Molecule object, which may then be added to the relevent rigid fix. Methods include create_TIP3P (Jorgensen JCP, 1983), create_TIP3P_long (Price, JCP, 2004), create_TIP4P (Jorgensen JCP, 1983), create_TIP4P_long (Price, JCP, 2004), create_TIP4P_2005 (Vega, JCP, 2005). Note that Lennard-Jones parameters must be initialized by the user.
import sys
import water
#returns Molecule object
tip3p = water.create_TIP3P()
Atoms can also be deleted from the state.
Atoms can be introduced into the simulation by adding them directly to the state or by using the InitializeAtoms tools. The first method is described below and the second is discussed elsewhere.
state.deleteAtom( a )
Deletes the specified atom from the state and all associated fixes.
a: An atom object
bool: A boolean. True means the atom was successfully deleted.
The following code demonstrates this method of removing atoms into the simulation using the water example from above:
#Suppose our AtomParams object has atom types 'spc1'
#create new positions for the atom
posO = Vector(1,1,1)
#add the atoms
state.addAtom('spc1', posO, -0.834)
#delete the atoms