A MetaDynamics Package
This is the complete list of members for SSAGES::ABF, including all inherited members.
ABF(const MPI_Comm &world, const MPI_Comm &comm, Grid< int > *N, Grid< int > *Nworld, std::vector< Grid< double > * > F, std::vector< Grid< double > * > Fworld, std::vector< std::vector< double >> restraint, std::vector< bool > isperiodic, std::vector< std::vector< double >> periodicboundaries, double min, bool massweigh, std::string filename, std::string Nworld_filename, std::string Fworld_filename, const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &histdetails, int FBackupInterv, double unitconv, double timestep, unsigned int frequency) | SSAGES::ABF | inline |
biases_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
boundsCheck(const std::vector< double > &CVs) | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Build(const Json::Value &json, const MPI_Comm &world, const MPI_Comm &comm, const std::string &path) | SSAGES::ABF | static |
BuildMethod(const Json::Value &json, const MPI_Comm &world, const MPI_Comm &comm, const std::string &path) | SSAGES::Method | static |
CalcBiasForce(const Snapshot *snapshot, const CVList &cvs, const std::vector< double > &cvVals) | SSAGES::ABF | private |
comm_ | SSAGES::Method | protected |
cvmask_ | SSAGES::Method | protected |
dim_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
EventListener(uint frequency) | SSAGES::EventListener | inline |
F_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
FBackupInterv_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
filename_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Fold_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Fworld_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Fworld_filename_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
GetFrequency() const | SSAGES::EventListener | inline |
histdetails_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
isperiodic_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
iteration_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
mass_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
massweigh_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Method(uint frequency, const MPI_Comm &world, const MPI_Comm &comm) | SSAGES::Method | inline |
min_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
N_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Nworld_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
Nworld_filename_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
periodicboundaries_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
PostIntegration(Snapshot *snapshot, const class CVManager &cvmanager) override | SSAGES::ABF | virtual |
PostSimulation(Snapshot *snapshot, const class CVManager &cvmanager) override | SSAGES::ABF | virtual |
PreSimulation(Snapshot *snapshot, const class CVManager &cvmanager) override | SSAGES::ABF | virtual |
restraint_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
SetCVMask(const std::vector< uint > &mask) | SSAGES::Method | inline |
SetIteration(const int iter) | SSAGES::ABF | inline |
timestep_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
unitconv_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
wdotp1_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
wdotp2_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
world_ | SSAGES::Method | protected |
worldout_ | SSAGES::ABF | private |
WriteData() | SSAGES::ABF | private |
~ABF() | SSAGES::ABF | inline |
~EventListener() | SSAGES::EventListener | inlinevirtual |
~Method() | SSAGES::Method | inlinevirtual |