Pairwise force shifted damped Coulomb as defined by Christopher J. Fennel and J. Daniel Gezelter J. Chem. Phys (124), 234104 2006 Eqn 19.
where \(q_i, q_j\) are charges of particles \(i,j\), \(r_{ij}\) is the distance between particles \(i,j\), \(\alpha\) is convergence parameter, and \(r_{\rm cut}\) is cutoff distance.
parameters of potential can be defined directly within the python input script, or read from a restart file.
Adding Fix
FixChargePairDSF(state=..., handle=...,group_handle=...)
Setting parameters from within the Python environment is done with setParameters.
name of parameter to set. Can be eps, sig, rCut.
rCut parameter has a default value equal to state.rCut.
Default parameter values are \(\alpha=0.25\), \(r_{\rm cut}=9.0\), assuming \(\sigma_{\rm LJ}=1.0\)
Adding the fix
#adding charge fix
charge=FixChargePairDSF(state, "charge","all")
Setting parameters in python
Activating the fix
#Activate fix